Tuesday 18 September 2012

Almost there!

With the season premiere kicking off tomorrow, there's not much left to do but twiddle our thumbs in anticipation. However, I'll throw out the reminder that I did a series of podcasts with Reality Rant previewing the season. 

Reality Rant is run by former Reality News Online writer, Bill Hammon (the Who Will Go? column) and the equally lovely and certainly more polite, Eric Pierce.  In commemoration of the former RNO roundtable, they got me and fellow RNO alumni Christian Williams (Diplomatic Overview of Survivor) to do our own series of predictions. 

We did four episodes in total: Tandang, Matsing, Kalabaw and a Prediction Special.  Listen, and discover why I'm a writer not a speaker, but the three guys have some great things to say.   I had a blast recording these (first time I'd actually spoken with any of the RNO lot), and Chris and I are already trying to talk them into letting us come back sometime.

Otherwise, nothing to do but wait.  I don't know about you, but I want two things out of tomorrow's premiere: an intro sequence (what else is the extended premiere for?) and for Dawson and Penner to make the most entertaining alliance ever.  I'll be posting on Thursday with an 'obituary' on the first boot, and the main Big Picture article should hopefully go up on Sunday.

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